You guys roasted my last painting of Lucy, so I gave it another try
98 thousand bells for a wooden bridge??? Is Tom Nook a billionaire villain or what?
How do I get my daily nook miles now?
Filmes mais desprezado do Shrek.
Quais sequências de jogos vocês mais querem?
É assim com vcs?
In your opinion, who is the best TV villain of all time?
New boss dropped.
[deleted by user]
Havad, Alena, Pptiny, Yes, Be Va, Len, My Ti, Ne
Apparently you can activate the cutsine with Vamos while invading
Does this bow and arrow symbol represent something, or is it repeated throughout the game? I find it strange that several buildings in Undead Parish have it.
Cara, os roteiristas da Turma da Mônica realmente adoram zoar com o Cabelo do Cebolinha...
Como fechar esse buraco na parede?
Please help!
Fine. I'll do it myself. ALL FROMSOFT GAMES (According to Wikipedia) ranked in alphabetical order.
How do I get this???
What is going on with Gaius? He usually does about 50% of my health per hit, but several times now this has happened
Cadê o rolê??
New character reveal for shadow of the eardtree
This game is so boring
Elden Ring Anime would be cool
So we know that Gwynevere in DS1 is an illusion right? Is the real Gwynevere dead during the events of Ds1, is she alive if yes where is she (lore wise i know you can’t actually find her) or is she even real at all?
What would Guts do in this situation?
Why doesn't Miquella just leave the egg sack? He's got his arm out already, might as well go all the way.
For the recent River posts, here are my candidates who would’ve been a better male romance for Female V (This is probably very wrong)