Elon Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
US car payment delinquencies reach 33-year high: Analysis
When will Tesla consider a new CEO due to stock drop?
Record store coming in across from LittleMan on Main Street
What is the most overrated racket?
Debating between new vs old Model Y
Should I purchase my Dream car?
Done with Salesforce?
30M - Just got the keys to my first home! 930k - 3b3ba
Changed the Inductions to 18’s
23-28 year olds, how much are you making right now and what do you do?
Survey: what is your daily drive and how much do you make per year?
What is your salary to mortgage ratio?
What about a performance model Y juniper?
New model Y show car will arrive soon
This ain’t it
OLD or NEW Model Y? Choose 1. Tbh, the new one is already growing on me.
Which card are you still rocking and are you planning to upgrade?
First look at Juniper
juniper model y on california streets (video)
GlideOutside when $TSLA is back at ALL TIME HIGHS!
Moon Rock Grey
Tesla ranked 3rd in owner satisfaction in survey
UnitedHealthCare CEO Brian Thompson shot, killed outside New York City hotel
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