What do my mains say about me?
Why itachi is the king
Which trio wins/what diff?
what's your most deranged headcanon ships
Effects-wise, do you agree with my rebadging?
If she isn't moonton employee came to make us lose that who is she
I’m on chapter 70 of Naruto, people say Sakura’s character peaked here, is this true?
Who to buy to turn around the game
This actually a good one who would win
What are some forgotten 10/10 animes you rarely see people talk about
Whats the biggest buff someone can receive in the series?
How would you rank these characters in order from strongest to weakest?
The *perfect* handwashing routine
What are Itachi's chances against him?
How will this impact Sonic powerscaling?
Which Pokémon starter would each of the Gaang choose?
Who wins?
What does my 4 main say about me
Why lol
If you could reshuffle the couples in Naruto, who which couple would you create?
Unpopular opinion but alien x loses to just about every other reality warper in an actual fight
This used to make me happy all the time.
What does my current 3 mains say about me?
What do my main 3 picks say about me?
Bruh. Two same posts within the same minute from different person. Please stop...