Something grabbed my leg after I turned off the lights in my basement.
People of Reddit, what was your major “ahhh, never mind” moment?
Who thinks they are cool, but they are not actually cool?
People of Reddit, what is the dumbest question someone has ever asked you?
I decided to take a different route home. That was the biggest mistake I have ever made.
There is something wrong with my school. The people here are not real.
What is the biggest tech scandal?
There is someone living in my basement.
People of Reddit, what was the unbelievably dumbest thing your pet has done that left you shocked?
People of Reddit, what was the unbelievably smartest thing your pet has done that left you shocked?
People of Reddit, if you had to choose between plane cheese pizza or plane pizza with nothing on it, what would you choose?
A simple guide by a blind person on how to make a simple cheese pizza with no toppings with an air fryer.
Redditors who travel a lot, would you prefer Google maps or Apple Maps and why?
Can somebody please check my profile to see what achievement I earned and comment what you saw?
People of Reddit, if you had to choose a song from your liked songs playlist and you had to play that song for a whole day, what song would you choose? Could you provide the song lyrics in quotes?
Question Of The Day: What super power would you have and why?
People of Reddit, what is the best thing you can say about yourself?
What is one or multiple crazy things that happen to you in GTA V?
People of Reddit, how did your pet die?
People of Reddit, what was the most insane thing your pet did for no reason?
People of Reddit, what was the most insane thing your pet did just to protect you?
People of Reddit, what was the craziest butterfly effect you have experienced?
People of Reddit, what was the most rage you have experienced for a video game?
People of Reddit, what was the scariest gut feeling you had that ended up saving your life?
What is an extremely annoying add that you think should be removed from all platforms?