As a Somali I can count my ancestor all the way back to Arabia. Yet you see jealous people who want to deny our Arabness. Why do they do that? Why the hate? Don't they know genealogy makes you also Arab?
Iran understands EU Monitoring Mission's presence in Armenia, clarifies Ambassador Sobhani
Average Monthly Salary in Q4 2024 by Region (in US$)
RIP Bar Chelou
Elon Musk says USAid is ‘beyond repair’ and he is working to shut it down
Pro-Russian opposition has started the anti-EU propaganda, while citizen disagrees. A segment during their organized boycott of 150 AMD transportation ticket.
Help for itinerary/logistics for Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia.
Vartivor vs Vartevar
I made Armenian փոխինձ
Թրամփը ցանկության դեպքում կարող է 24 ժամում լուծել հայ-թուրքական և հայ-ադրբեջանական հարցերը. Փայլան - Trump can resolve Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azerbaijani issues in 24 hours if he wants: Paylan
As Russian troops leave Armenia, Moscow’s revenge playbook emerges
Predatory Allies
MMW: you're going to see more people openly supporting Hitler.
Enough of this nonsense. It's time we debate the real issues effecting America.
Turkish army in Hamadan and Ormia during liberation of Azerbaijan after the collepse of Russian Empire.
What is the reason the Republic of Armenia struggles to reach the diaspora so persistently?
Do you use any of these words in your daily language?
Advice Needed for Armenian Name
Some Yerevan center shots
What part of the World has geography similar to the American Southwest
B line Old Vs New
Been here for a while… 🐸
Iranians, Does Iran have influence or ambitions in Central Asia?
Is "Abur cubur" an Armenian word?