MVP Champions Cup Releases Available for Preorder!
Just Released - Thought Space Athletics Parallel Expanse
Pre-Order the Get Freaky Confetti Zone!
MVP announces Saarinen Particle Glow Proton Soft Proxy and more!
C-Line will change: Source: Jussi Meresmaa
Hyped discs and their slept on equivalents
Giveaway prize came in today
2 New MVP Team Series Disc Tempo & Range
Fuzed Scorch Giveaway by Scissortail Disc Golf
(MEGATHREAD) MVP Release - Axiom Particle Glow Proton Tempo (Jeremy Koling) and Streamline Cosmic Neutron Range (Eagle McMahon)
MVP Disc Sports January 2025 Release!
Buzzz Saw ➡ "FuZed Buzzz"
Mint Discs Bullets just got gummier. Live as of 10am CST!
Announce tour, launch website, update footer - D'oh! All social media icons point to WIX. Email, phone number and address are generic from the template.
Do you have any self- imposed rules to keep from buying all the discs?
________ is, surprisingly, a pretty good putter.
Dealer Megathread: Thought Space Nebula Aura Praxis & Glow Mantra
Buzzzsaw Giveaway by Scissortail Disc Golf & Black Friday Sale
The Salamander is available for pre-order at Scissortail!
Scissortail Black Friday Sale - Deals, Giveaways & More!
Why are there only S-TDs but no C-TDs?
Gyropalooza Giveaway by Scissortail Disc Golf - Details in Comments
Where do you buy discs from?
Dealer Megathread: Gavin Babcock's Signature PD2, the Gravity Bomb
2024 Gyropalooza Box