Moms BP keeps spiking currently on 5MG amlodipine
Stupid question
I spilled one of my doses! What do I do?
I love my takehomes
Do you nap after taking your methadone ?
Have you ever been drug tested 2 days in a row?
What phase are you on? How many take homes?
Suboxone/ Naloxone 8mg strips 2 1/2 a day
Du you crave sugar with your methadone use?
Does anyone else ache ALOT before dosing early in the morning ? 43m
Been 30hrs since my last dose jumped off. Still feeling ok. No issues.
Mg Dose Poll:
Other drugs
Has anyone else not been able to smoke weed since starting methadone?
Do you double dose ?
Does your clinic add water to take homes?
Anyone else prescribed benzos with methadone ?
What phase are you in at your clinic? (How many take homes do you get)
Missed my weekly pickup UK
Anybody sit in this sub on pick up days to pass the time lol
Medicaid Dropped Me
Switching from methadone to Suboxone
Anyone know what this pill is?
What medications do you take with your methadone?