Inteligenta partenerului
Dating life 30+
Ați plăti rata iubitului la bancă?
Banat la Biblioteca Metropolitana, cum fac sa ma răscumpăr?
Despre solidaritate
Bucureșteni, ce sporturi practicați și unde?
cam cat as putea lua pe el?
39 de ani!
At what age should people retire?
Sorry in advance, but I was losing my mind reading this comment section alone
Emoji fun: recent emoji?
Women whose childhoods were spent deeply involved in one sport or activity, what is your relationship to it now?
People that lost weight, what worked best for you consistently?
How old do you feel?
Anime in which people fear the main character due to his face being scary but he is actually a good person
Cum să îmi ajut copilul?
How do you feel about being called a lady?
Cine dă țeapă?
Analize CAS
My new manicure
20m (probably gay) my parents house in romania
What's that one food you can't live without? 😋
Making friends as an adult is not hard, you just suck at it
What hygiene tips/hack helps you a lot?