Which elemental reactions do you think she will excel at?
11 Days until Iansan shows us her moves!!!!! 💥
What is your 10/10 ulam?
Stunlock based on a recent post, chat is this real?
Enjoying this team
What do ya'll think of this?
Thoughts on A Thousand Blazing Suns
Citlali is one scary granny
What is your 10/10 anime series?
Mona or Kazuha ?
Is it enough ?
Sands for a Serpent Spine build
C1 or Citlali (I mainly play overload)
10k subreddit members welkin giveaway
C6 diona or Citlali?
Suggestion for team comp
Zyox lookalike
Is this a decent stopping point?
A truck I saw yesterday in my city
Best Cryo applicator for Mavuika that isn't Citlali?
How would Bruce Wayne approach the Usogui arcs? What do you think he would do?
Alright fellas, can Baku Madarme survive Squid games after this?
Do you think Mavuika dont need her Bis Weapon
I won
For those who are pulling for the archon, have you decided your team/party set up?