If you stand and watch a fight, you’re the problem.
Why does it feel like SFs are unreliable into do? (Khatun)
New hero not working?
What is the next prime you're most excited for?
Which enemy, for you, is That One Bastard that you immediately beeline towards as soon as you spot them?
If you could have one big update dedicate to updating things of the pass what are you updating
Anyone else think that some older weapon models should return as skins?
When she read my mind for the first time
It was never about the price of eggs
People say Mag Prime helmet looks ugly but I find it quite pretty, especially that skull looking mouth part
Which were some of the coolest Troopers in the Star Wars universe in your opinion?
No enemies/very few enemies spawn on Zariman Exterminate Bounties
Hex missions not spawning enemies
I’ve no other words to say.
Been getting a lot of mixed reactions to this, is it really that bad?
You wake up and you can make the gear of two heroes from the same faction interchangeable, who are you picking?
The disconnection problem needs fixed
Fuck the skill system
Any recommendations for a new melee weapon
Been gone since pirate what has changed?
This argument needs to die already
Why is the Catwoman DLC So hard? (Arkham Knight)
Which Warframe do you think looks better in its standard form, versus its Prime variant?
If the Warframes each had a favorite food what would it be?