Hosting kurta pikachu add 6945 3427 6781 & 5821 1461 9410
Lf Bg legendaries and cosmog dm Ms offers
Lf background reshiram and zekrom dm me offers
Hi anyone willing to help me
Lf Location catch card and special Bg pokemon Ft pics +2000 🌟 pokemon
LF Location card and special background pokemon Ft 2000 plus shinies just dm offers
Ft Mewtwo open to offers
LF & FT as per picture
Lf 1st pic Ft other 2
Looking for top rows, offering bottom rows✨️ Prefer instant trades but open to any reasonable offer👌Can fly✈️Dm me
Lf g max tox message offers
Lf 1st pic Ft 2nd Pic Mesage 0ffers
Lf G max venusuar and toxtricity message me what u want
Lf 1st pic Ft 2nd pic
Looking for (up top) / offering (lower)
Ft mewtwo just message me offers
Lf 1st pic offering 2nd pic
Lf G max toxtricity and vensuar message me offers
Lf g max venusuar Ft pics
Need help deciding which one to max
Lf g max pokemon Ft 2000 plus shinies , costume pokemon just message what you are after
How many useless shiny did you get today 😅
Lf Gmax venusaur or blastiose ft 1st pic also have 2000 plus shinies
Lf gmax blastoise and Venusaur
Offering help if anyone needs it