Does this sell for a lot?
Pay in 4 Payment Issue
has anyone noticed how summer ALWAYS orders the most expensive thing on the menu? like does she do that to be funny? she’s gotta know he has no money….
Over $300 for VIP first entry normal?
NYC General Admission Floor
Diabolical!!!! This fool will eat anything!
This on Seat - whats the deal?
Pick between 1-100 for a free entree
The Glutton Hour
Cat stickers
Summer driving?
Welp just great!
FUCK stubhub
Jennie Signed Photocards from Australian Official Store are fake
I just got scammed out of 300 dollars and I don't know what to do
WTB 1 Jhope 3/13 Ticket (Lower bowl preferred
Proper response to this?
Unpopular opinion
The sheer dildo of my flatmate
The Diddy stuff is so weird
what are your “hard to find” albums/cds that you want/have ?