Do you guys think Goten and Trunks will get more spotlight in the future?
Is this the devs fault?
I can't believe it man
My Guesses for Daima Fighters Movesets
This game is depressing man
Did the Devs give up on this game?
Android 16: viable or too low tier?
Judge me by my mains
Wich is the worst goku transformation?i definetely will pick saiyam beyond
Do you guys think Tien's ult needs some sort of buff?
I'm Making a Fan Manga, how is it looking?
I Wanna make a Fan Manga but idk if my art is good enough
To all the spopovich exploiters
Best Team on DP Battles
DP Team Comp Ideas?
What do You Guys think Their Movesets and DP Cost will be?
Settings feeling sluggish XBOX
Vegeta Blue Evolution IS in the game
How well did I recreate the DB art style ??
I'm not getting a lot of views, how do I improve that?
My DLC is not appearing
Me digam a verdade do que fazer
Yes, a dragon ball meme repurposed
What is your cats toxic trait?