H: Oe/Intel/Sent CE Set W: Leader Bobblehead Offers
H: Weapons W: Leader Bobblehead Offers
H: Mods W: 5 leaders per Star
H: GSBQ+FSA+WPJS W: Full Health Armor Set
H: GSBQ+FSA+WPJS+ OE/INT/SENT CE SET W: Oe/ap/wwr ce left arm
I dunno if it's true or not but apparently we can't put 4 star mods on the specific weapons that were capable of still being dropped an if its true do these have value then?
Thank you nother set complete van AP wwr sturdy combat
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H:40k caps W: .44 Pistol Offers
H: List W: You to read it? Please
H: Van/Mix/WWR Raider PA Set W: BOS JS or WPJS
H: Mods W: Godroll melee offers or funny reload speed godroll melee offers
H: WPJS W: Cultist piercer with the first star being anti-armor or vampire :D
H:leaders W: GSBQ
H: GSBQ+ WPJS+FSA mask+These Mods W: Armor Set Offers
H: GSBQ W: V/25/90 ultracite gatling laser and fusion cores
H: G-roll Blue Ridge branding irons W: Apparel offers
Found this for max caps was it worth it?
H: Raider PA torso OE/1i/wwr W: offers
H: Self built OE Trapper wwr fire resist set 5/5 W: Left Leg OE heavy combat Sent AP 5 to 1
H: OE/AP/WWR Raider Power Right Arm W: Offers
H: PA pieces W: any offers
H: WPJS W: Rolled Cultist piercer Lucas Switchblade's
H:Oe Mix Wwr HeavyMetal Set (3 ap, 2 Strength) W:Apparel
H: Q2525 Fixer W: A random number 1-300