Is there any way to see all pervious names?
What part of the game do you wish you could experience for the first time all over again?
Some manga I got today
What was your biggest ship disappointment in a shōjo or josei, and why?
The duality
what’s a song everyone hates but you like, or that everyone loves but you hate?
Give me some shoujo tropes
My shoujo manga collection
What series did you drop, and why?
Looking for fast-paced fun games
Pretty cover art
My picks for the most attractive new gen shoujo couples
Have you ever hate watched a Shoujo series?
Figures, vinyl, comics, and movies
What was your first Shoujo? And do you think it’s still holds up?
Been collecting since middle school’ in college now
my charger has been like this for over a year and hasn't lead to any explosions (yet)
What Horror Movie Franchises do you want to be made into Games?
What’s the best advice someone’s ever told you?
What’s a phrase or saying that immediately makes you lose respect for someone?
Looking for similar games
Cafe before getting remolded
Themed discord profile