What the heck is going on with my investigation? I got my tentative job offer in early May, had one supervisor contacted about my trustworthiness shortly after that, and NO other progress/updates since? (DoD)
Help, the pain during my sessions is UNBEARABLE and the lidocaine injections do absolutely nothing to mitigate it. What are my options?! Can I be knocked out?
No apparent progress after 4th session, is this normal?
What made you want to remove your tattoo?
Ever seen something this big/colorful/new successfully removed?
How do you deal with the pain?
I haven’t been able to finish this half sleeve for a year because I’m feeling regretful about having it in the first place now. Am I overreacting? I’ve been considering removal
Trying to understand tattoo removal options before committing. Need advice.
How much did your original tattoo cost vs. total for removal? I am a tattooer and I want to scare clients out of stupid ideas.
Chest Piece Progress- Picoway 5 sessions.