It really wears me out moving and counting it
Like my shiny very much
New place where meteor spawned
Event bug?
Has anyone opened the gate yet?
Extreme progress in only one hour
Multiple clown events. What can you win?
Events Farm vanishing
Really? Clowns again?
Why are almost all of the humans are gone?
Radius Comparison Requested
Has anyone the higher numbers?
ROLL CALL! How many of you original apes are still here with me? 🦍🦍🦍🦍
Why goes this number for meat up and down?
Progress after one hour of gameplay
So lucky
All of the materials on the map I think
Perth Mint Guy is the King of memes
Lady Liberty likes the real metal
Unallocated Lady Liberty
Great vacation
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all Ape Moms!
"Look! I have a babe too!!!" This mother and gorilla shared quite the beautiful moment together.
Let's light this candle!!!
I like the Perth Mint Guy. He does a great job.