Claude tells Felix & Ferdinand about his family's tradition(@yanyan46e20)
(OC) Fire Emblem Class Designs: Mortal Savant
(Echoes) I've already game over'd twice in this dungeon at the starting floors, I've considered taking my spoils and retreating, BUT FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
Was it really Naruto’s job to bring back Sasuke?
A Day in the Life: Fashion in Check
Which Fire Emblem music made you live in your head "rent free"?
In the name of the Guild, I cast you DOWN!
Entire human population in 100 AD is teleported to an empty 1900 Earth. Which nation will dominate?
Roy's paired ending list if it was actually good...
Who is your favorite "completely unsympathetic" FE villain?
Really hope we see some For Honor rewards in this game
Marth.exe’s FE3 Sprite
Sarada MS hax is finally revealed!
When you are you’re own worst enemy
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 10
Full black Orochi
Divine dragon, Save us!!!
Favorite Lance in the Series?
POV: Alfred at the end of his and Veyle's C-support
Fire emblem fighting game roster
What do you guys think about puppetry technique? Is it underrated or maybe insignificant?
Lapis and Sakura Costume Swap (OC)
Maddening FE3H
Fully handmade f!byleth cosplay (self)
How could you say no to this face