Why Level 3 mock on MM so hard????
Vijest o bojkotu i cijenama dopire i do turista...
Re-allocation of investments to bonds
Protiv Francuza na Svjetskim prvenstvima nusmo izgubili od 2009.
TIL Rome established medical licenses for highly trained physicians in the year 202 and they prevented medical students from going to brothels.
Big Four accounting firms set to miss female partner targets for 2025
The Barbary slave trade in which Europeans were abducted and sold into slavery from as far afield as Iceland and Ireland
To kaj piše
Fertility rate in Europe (2024)
In early 1941, before Barbarossa, Britain and Greece were the only ones fighting the Axis in European continent.
Why do investment bankers get paid so much?
Vijeće moderatora donijelo je odluku o zabrani linkova s X platforme
Why so much love for all world and S&P500?
Ćipe vs. Ćipe
Ministar Šušnjar najavio: 'Ograničit će se cijena 50 proizvoda, među njima je i kruh' - Večernji.hr
Najavljen veliki rast cijena. Plenković se danas sastaje s trgovcima i proizvođačima
Proton(Mail) supporting the party that killed antitrust
Nik Titanik 14. 1. 2025.
Prijatelji životinja skupili 35.000 potpisa za zabranu pirotehnike
Trump, allies rush to politicize state’s misery
Ružno iskustvo s djelatnicom Hitne pomoći u Zagrebu. Rant + Kome se obratiti
Rast cijena vs. rast plaća
28M, Gaymer just moved in
Masa je mama
JPMorgan Planning to Bring Staff Back to Office Five Days a Week