Favorite animated female character?
Replace a word from your favorite song with cat
Hot take: We got the best season 2s right before the worst season 3s
What’s your name?
Replace the first name of your favorite game with fuck
Best *band* starting with letter M?
Anyone have a rowlet to trade
What Song sounds like this picture
Favourite guitar solos?
Suggest me some more long songs 8+ minutes
Who is your favorite band/artist and why?
Tell me, who’s the greatest rock band of all time?
What song can't you stop listening to?
Give me some songs that make you go like this
what type of person do you think i'm if i like these skins
Name your favorite villain
Name your fav artist (totally stole this)
Favorite album or artist
W Tierlist?
Name a song that makes you want to this:
Master of Shit
You have to survive one month in your last watched cartoon/animated series, how screwed are you.
Guess things about me based on my top 25 artists
tell me your favorite sonic character! mine's metal sonic