Just saying
Broke my tyre, dropped my keys in dirty water, and put my hand on a slug to open the gate
Just finished one of the coolest and most challenging puzzles I’ve ever done, went to take a shower, came back to this
ELI5: How is it a good idea (for drug dealers) to lace drugs with fentanyl?
Traumatized my kid today
What fictional item do you wish you owned in real life?
If you're traveling back in time, your existence in the past might already be enough to alter the flow of events enough such that you'll never actually travel back in time.
How many Unique Frigates/ships are there to add to your fleet?
ELI5: how energy consumption works?
A very quick reaction
Your username dictates what happens to you for the next 24 hours. What will happen?
Dalek base
They are trolling us
What’s the story behind your Reddit username?
What’s the purpose of this? Found outside the post office
ELI5: What is really going on when we say a person "can't swim"?
You need to clear your towels from resort beach chairs
How hard is it to get a refugee status in Kazakhstan?
Онлайн-знакомства Сайт или приложение
European hamster’s defence position
The Ghee I used for eggs melted into a diamond
Silence feels loud because we're used to noise.
Just bought steam deck
Lightning matches from a distance with playing cards
Russian girl gets mad at her own shadow for following her