you guys think it’s worth it 😭😭
What is the best item to invest in rn?
[The genius who sees through the world] any one tried this ?
One year since my Charger was stolen
when did u start playing minecraft?
What webtoon does everyone else like but you don't?
Dating non university educated people as a university educated person
Should I put the TV a bit lower?
[King of Gacha ~God's Gamer~] Wtf am I looking at here.
Extremely new to pc and was wondering if this is decent
Which anime/cartoon do you think should get the brotherhood treatment that follows the comics/manga?
Are there other animes like "rent a girlfriend"?
A Cool Guide To The Most Popular Grocery Store By State
Name your favorite Webtoon(on the Webtoon app)
[The Gamer] What manhwa dropped off hard?
Popular anime that you don't get
If he admitted to it and apologized would you still be a fan?
is 75 ms good?
[Heavenly moon]
[Game] Comment down your HOTTEST manhwa take
Which animal would you like to be added to Minecraft?
Why does this happen?
Tell us you're an old Minecraft player without telling us that you're an old Minecraft player
[The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin] Now we know why Asura Scans got rid of their comment section.
[Tier List] Had to make my own