Marmite: Love it or hate it?
Must be tough
Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence [Metal] (2017)
Yay! I passed.
My boyfriend got me this today
00:00 hours
Are there any popular places/ countries that just have zero appeal to you?
Tesla sales fall by 18% in UK; but over 60% in Germany and Spain
What is your favorite quote from an evil person?
Burnley: Couple performed 'sex act' outside McDonald's
What’s a movie that doesn’t have a happy ending?
Has anyone here smoked bud in a menthol cigarillo?
Will UK Subscribers Continue With Netflix?
Tesla sales slump in five European markets in January
A friend of mine did the Nazi pose infront of a crowd
Recommendation for an external hard drive
The Distillera - Seneca Falls [Punk] (2002)
A punk, a “rude boy” and a skinhead hanging out together in England c. 1980.
What's Trivium's heaviest song?
Or affordable housing
It’s just a leeeeeetle spliff
Cattle Decapitation - Forced Gender Reassignment [Deathgrind] (2012)
Meanest and nicest musicians?
Trivium - In Waves [Metal] (2011)