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What is the “Cute Winter Boots” thing?
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Private Chef for 30th Birthday
How did you almost die?
Pressing Apples without a Press 😅 (
Police Force of Reddit *Serious Question* Curious how the precincts across the nation digest consistent news of POC adults/children being accidentally shot by police?
Would you still use reddit if it had the anonymity aspect taken away? Why or why not?
Can’t gain access to App (context in comments)
Help Recreating Balenciaga Shopping Bag
What movie made you cry and why?
What do you think the founder(s) of Capitalism/Adam Smith would think of where Corp America is today?
What is a movie you will never watch again?
What’s the fastest way to ruin you’re life?
For those willing to share, What was a life event that made you strongly believe/confirm there is more beyond this physical life on Earth?
ISO GA Ticket Swap for Brooklyn Show
What repeatedly debunked hoax do you STILL see people claiming to be real?
Anyone Remember Mars 2112?
Looking for Craft Hard Cider near Stamford