[discussion] What is your favorite underrated band?
What are your underrated band recommendations?
Jarred Minced Garlic... what is the appeal?
Oxio Referral Promo Code Thread [December 2024]
The deep stories tattoos tell
Where did the earthworms go?
What are some good study tips?
The price of this gift card
The defensive display of a mantis!
Yes this is a real question, is it feminine for guys to have neat handwriting?
It's not just Loblaws. This is insane.
Show it!
Which countries won the genetic lottery in terms of scenery and nature?
You get a dog but you have to name it after the last thing you ate. What is it's name?
Can anyone think of some English phrases that sound the same?
Tetris light reflections
What song has an upbeat tune but dark lyrics?
Baby Possum
Without telling the name, what quote could sum up an entire tv show?