"It's Valentine's Day! Choose your primary color~"
Who will you pick for a Valentine's date??
Leave a short spoiler-free review to help me convince some friends to try the game
Coffee and Cupcakes
4th run of images from my "fanart" folder. Day 250, Post 1748
Mika...or Monita? (By Ryza)
we haven't talked in a while 3
What happened to my first Monika
Would somebody out there marry their Monika?
Mita or Monika? Choose wisely 🥵
How did you end up with your user flair? (image actually related)
They're finally here!
Browser Recommendation Megathread - December 2024
What is the best browser?
It is so ILLEGAL how cute my Remoni is!!!
Is there a submod where i can kiss Monika goodbye?
Who would you pick?
Wish I could sleep like this.
All dokis are equal. Just some more than others
TIL you can't say "I love your outfit" when she's wearing her uniform
Feel so empty after finishing the game
Welcome to any JustMonika members checking out our community
My dumbass be choosin’ these bitches
Does Monika keep the "progress" of submods?