These bots aint even putting on bikinis anymore
hi guys so basically i love fashion n wearing fun clothes n stuff so here r some of my favs :-)
Type Lego Star Wars Death Star with your sight organ closed
Monday morning
Melony ref for au
When will troll store support iOS 18?
Roses are red, my mom’s favorite shows are romcoms,
…just um I hope this isn’t offensive
Ok out of these 5what is the best Mario x meggy video
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Feel free to vent in the comments if you need too. I don't know you, but I'm here for you.
Does anyone else remember this game? Or am I going crazy? (Potential Lost Media)
It's all over, people. Farewell Tapped Out. You'll be the GOAT of mobile games.
Last day. Level 700. Now what do I do? My life really is a mess. Byeeeee 👋🏼
THIS IS A STICK UP! Tell us the 2 moons of mars and you will be free.
Obama's name will be changed to ___.
Is this accurate?
Bill enters your mind. What is it that he finds?
How to fix?
One word (f!lter)
I fully support you junior
OmG iT hAs "Diddy" iN tHe NaMe HaHaHa