What are some scenes that kind of freaked you out
Character that’s stays your favorite the entire time
Favorite comedy duo
Childhood friends that DON’T become worst enemies when they get older
Post your last saved Image Related to JJK
Favorite Character that gets treated like this?
What are your top 3 transformation sequences in the series
Characters who are fucking Invincible
who's your personal favorite anime character
Characters who have done something with the moon
What is your favorite manipulative character?
Characters that speak with a monotone voice
Who is your favorite cop?
Favorite unforgivably evil character
What's your favourite 90's Anime
Favorite bad frame
Some episodes look extremely bad
Who’s more evil
If you were a saiyan where would you rank
Out of these whole the most evil
Would you rather be the strongest saiyan,namekian,majin
Made to be hated ?
Gen alpha is starting to join
Favorite anti villain