UHH uhh uh Mob chans :b
A Lore Update?
This was a great month, and now I'm ending It on a great note, Squids!
Hey, remember how pigs were the first mobs to git cold and warm versions? Well its the hoglins turn now.
Mansion Invasion
So many villager eggs you all ended up starting a raid
I yearn for the mines
Ok the Fox already has a cold version, so why not a warm version!
Spider versions
I made pillager versions.
Ok now I'm doing the Pillagers next.
Ok I'm doing the spiders next.
I made some spider versions.
Was hoping to draw some new sheeps, but instead i drew last snapshot cows
Just some cows
Ok just like the chicken, I'm made cold and warm versions of the sheep.
Here's the my reason.
I made some goat versions.
New sheep variants leaked
sheep no nose
I made some sheep versions.
It's odd that only the Cold Chicken has a tail.. the normal and Warm one should too, it adds a lot!
Ok the base version of the Goat is the cold version, so I made the other too.
Liked the new snapshot, so i decided to draw the new things as girls :)