AIO about the wall of text my brother in law sent his kids
What's your favourite weapon or equipment cosmetic in the game?
Finally found one (TKInk)
Electric to manual
Cheap Ramen improvements?
WTB: TKINK in copper
What is Your Balance Wishlist?
I got scammed
What is the first game that comes to mind
is rage worth reading?
How do you want the next Battlefield to do loadouts?
TOWER JUNKIES!! Can't Decide What To Dive Into Next....Have You Read These? LMK Your Recommendations In The Comments! I Say Thankya
Im thinking about getting the bachman book collection, found a decent price for it and was wondering, is rage good?
End of Watch is $2.99 on Kindle
I've been putting off reading the Dark Tower series for my decade of being a Constant Reader... Here we go!
[OC] The Prescient won by only a vote or two. First row is done! Who's next?
Local colber said sole can not be replaced
Who likes brass?
Battlefield 1968
Where to go?
Operation metro the best maps of all time on BF3 and BF4 do you agree?
DAY #1 - What is the best Stephen King book? TOP comment wins!
How did we go from BFV to 2042 😭
So what decides the amount of % you get in dark tribute? Like what are the big increases? Sometimes I feel like I get a lot for doing average, and sometimes I get very little. I'm curious how it works!
Digging it!!!