Who would you guys cast as Johnny Silverhand in a Cyberpunk Movie
Favorite Things About The Game?
Most Useless Companion in ME2 (Story Perspective)
Thoughts on killing Valentinos?
What if you suddenly woke up in 1933 Germany knowing what you know now?
Idiot proof money mgmt?
Why the movie is actually the same message as the book on accident and doesn't actually portray fascism.
Who could YOU play in the MCU?
Dear Men, name your biggest mistake so others don’t make same mistake.
Men, would you be trying to date if you still lived with your parents?
HHH be like:
What is your go-to ride?
Best class for story and gameplay
How did America convince China to Starfleet?
What's your favourite mass effect game?
Who are the Sarna imposters in the Kestrel Lancers campaign?
Are the Sequles worth watching
The Cockett, the Talos and tbr Toro
Why does everyone hate house liao?
So what did the Sequels do well ?
Kaidan or Ashley
Everyone talks about content, expansions, updates and whatever. My biggest complaint? WHY CAN'T I ROMANCE VETTE AS A FEMALE CHARACTER, DAMN YOU BIOWAREEEEEEE
You're stuck on a 14 hour flight, pick a seat
Wanna have you opinion about that, guys
Would you live in Mass Effect's Universe?