how difficult to get 1102 job in japan if non military?
Difficulty of Locations
What cities are good to be an 1102?
What is vault life like?
Should we be worried about our jobs after Monday?
IGSAs and Impact on workload
Is it worth becoming a warranted contracting officer?
Can I afford a $775,000 house with a $217,000 salary?
Has anyone ever actually been contacted/hired by applying to a continous public notice announcement?
Do you have to justify to others being GS?
Good vibes
Okinawa, Japan
Seeking Advice on 1102 Series (Contract Specialist) Career Path
Is it hard to be ACO in DCMA? Are there any administrative manual for new ACO?
Is it difficult to get a job doing pre-award or cradle-to-grave with only post-award 1102 experience?
Grammar correction
Why is the pay so incredibly abysmal for government workers?
NASA Contracts and Priorities
DCMA Contracts Administrator Interview
Federal job hiring timelines are so unserious
DCMA Keystone Program
Negotiating skills and questions
Taking Pay Grade Cut to Go OCONUS (GS-15 to GS-13)
Gov has retention problem