New ban system is stupid
is this legal??-pls help me i need to know
Where do i look in order to find out different map pushes
how do I get a squid for this GODFORSAKEN QUEST?
How to get better at long range gunfights
Why are hacks/injectable scripts being advertised as macros? Do people not know the different between using a macro and actually hacking?
The new update makes me physically ill.
Lf exalted relics i have crowned angler fishes
I have crowned angler fishes dm me offers
Lf orca and kraken, i will trade fkr one exalted relic
I have exalted relic looking for money fish
Trading hexed relic
Is the rotd really this bad?
Will the shiny abysall relic still work for the rod of the lost depths
Trading one hexed relic for one abysmal relic
Keep or sell/trade
How to get rod of the depths?
What exactly is this
I have 236,000 at level 43, been grinding in grand reef with arctic rod
Im level 12 and kinda lost
Why is sucide so hard?
Saying goodbye to my (so far) best character
How come there isnt any ancient egypt religion?
This has to be the most f££cked up game ive ever played
The most optimal time to commit suicide ?