/r/PTCGP Trading Post
If you could only have one GITD pop, which would you have and why?
Everyone show me your absolute favorite pop, here’s mine
What's the biggest mistake you've made while playing Fire Emblem?
Personal Grail Acquired!
Latest edition to the collection and 6 month progress check
hey funko community, can two funko pops have the same serial number!? Look at this!
Not seen this one posted yet
Valentine’s Day gift
Mail call! Cue the Imperial March
How much is your collection “worth “ according to Funko ?
Can different Funko pops have the same batch number on their foot?
Need Help Verifying a Signed Funko Pop
When the game forces you to be creative with communication
Just sharing my growing collection. Let me know what you think!
Help verifying if this is legit
Looking for unique game recs to round out my portable selection
I love that they added Mew into the background of a bunch of cards in the set!
Care for light moulding on boxes