I Need help Building an Team pleaseee
How do I convert to MP3?
Who is the strongest Belmont?
Kill Cicero or not? Why?
First single summon luck. I'm screwed for the anniversary 😂!
What are stereotypes about Doctor players?
Anyone know of more games like rogue-like evolution?
Game’s sound turns off as soon as I plug in my controller
VS achievements on PC
How the banner feels like for me(got enough of the 2 to rainbow 2 and a half times, both...) no other unit exists apparently 😂😭
Kingpig41; if you ever find this post, thanks a million and you are a wonderful person. I have attempted hundreds of times to get David's adept and your kindness is appreciated.
They finally added the most requested feature. Common BHVR W
What the shrimp
I Got Called A Cheater For This One
I pulled LR merged zamasu on the wrong banner. What are the odds?
Can someone explain why this unit does so little damage and takes so much damage this is my team
Why do I depip after being tunneled for 5 gens?
When you finally get the Subtle Hacker and they can't handle it LMAO
What happens when you bring lightborn to a lobby of 3 flashlights…
Can't awaken, whats up? Not on any teams and other modes are down so....?
Wesker hitboxes
I don't even have the singularity 😂
Unique Wraith Holes Himself
For the lovely people who say they're nice killers during this event.
We are the Dead by Daylight team; Ask Us Anything!