Can someone ‘drop in’ on an Alexa from their phone even if they don’t have their own Alexa?
Is there a smarthome device that could help with daily health check-ins of my aging parent?
Two-way audio (only) device that uses WIFI?
Only ring the home phone landline if it's a known contact?
What to expect with Aricept
Should I bother to tell my parents to create a living trust?
How forgetful is normal with age (65+) and should I be worried about them?
Why Microsoft, why?
What camera is closest to the Google Pixel 4a camera?
Reminder to check beneficiaries on all accounts.
Without blocking, can I revoking/undoing message/call after replying to new contact?
Vista Energy Beware
How do you do this???
A solution for blocking/screening calls to elderly landline
Managing important mail
Power of Attorney Documents - don't wait until it's too late!
We finally discovered who has been living in our house the past 13 years
Phone Help?
Spark energy
Do you use the AI features on your phone?
Best Sacramento area Costco
Loving my new Costco space heater! $80. Looks great in my apartment. The only downside is heat only comes from the orange slot, while a real fireplace would radiate heat from all sides. Haven't seen many reviews so i wanted to give a thumbs up.
Tempeh!!!! What are your recipes?
Callective Energy phone call regarding PG&E Bill?
Fortified plant milks - added vitamin B12 causing anxiety?