Heavy police presence under the Steel Bridge
Woke up to a crackhead 3 inches from my bedroom window :) I love it here
Friend’s car broken into- again- NW Pearl district
Portland #2 in property crime
$3000 a month to house homeless?
Tramp vagrant shits outside diners.. NW 21st & NW Flanders at Carina Lounge
Thieves take $1K cash, passport ID, credit cards in car break-in at Oregon ZooLights
Let's Hold Corporate McDonald's on Burnside Accountable for the Chaos (They own the land)
Hundreds of Addicts in Recovery About to Be Homeless!
City Council Amends Restaurant Odor Code in Response to Pho Gabo Closure
Yeah, I'd like to cancel my mail.
Dead End in Portland
Nursery still smells of paint after nearly 6 months. Please help!
‘Really demoralizing’: Game store owner grapples with insurance claim following second break-in
Pop-up clinic hands out needles, pipes to drug users in NW Portland school zone.
Crash into pole in NE Portland knocks out power.
Portland homeless spending
“Hundreds of nonprofits rely on Joint Office money to help homeless people”
Multnomah County may resume tent-tarp handouts
Rep. Tawna Sanchez Outlines Proposal For New Alcohol Sales Tax
Business group United for Portland & JoAnn Hardesty both endorse another Kafoury/JVP lackey for MultCo Commissioner
My face after 3 weeks of topical chemotherapy for precancerous changes.
Relationship between the controversial drug paraphernalia distribution group Portland People's Outreach Project (PPOP) and the Multnomah County Government
Criddlers be Burnin Down the House
Renovated Gear Factory Won’t Become Crisis Center and Housing for Homeless Portlanders