what's your favorite song off this album? Mine's Girl In Amber.
Getting close
Anyone experience tattoo remorse? (Not tattoo regret)
Listening to this album for the first time. It’s beautiful, and the cover is one of the best I’ve ever seen
Would people prefer to see a Star Sign/Sword & Stone tour than Heartbreaker?
"Last world tour"
Songs about saying goodbye?
1 month progress. Is what I'm doing working?
Tab books?
Some Tattoos I got yesterday
Another Wednesday Out Today
Is there venue and date info for Prisoners (live)?
Wednesdays out takes
I have gone my entire life without ever crying to a song. I want to change that. What songs have made you guys cry (happiness or sadness)
Vinyl collection
Is this a good artist?
What lyric breaks your heart and stands out to you when you hear the track?
Sleeve and patchwork together?
New Fan
So I started listening to Wednesdays this morning...
My first traditional tattoo by Darryl Mullen @ Black Cobra
Recommend me something for when you are in a sad mood