I bailed on my first dungeon today..
What's the worst way you accidentally had someone killed?
How common is hierarchy is polyamory?
Loving one more, sometimes
I am entering into my friend’s 3 year relationship… advice?
NP cancelled plans to keep hanging out with meta - commitments vs autonomy question
Partner, who claims she can never visit, doing a cross-country trip
Partner just had a baby…did I fuck up?
How do I stop being such a jealous idiot?
Need to vent. Can someone relate. Just need some reassurance or grounding. Just a jealousy case
Talking to partner about breaking up with another partner
For those of you who have agreements that you’ll be told before something new happens with someone else, why is that important to you?
Two partners asking to go to same event
I get it now guys, I get it.
I nearly quit hardcore for good today. Beware for Zeppelin griefers.
Well, I know this may be a selfish request since if still some of you are enjoy playing League, but we need to show how we stand against this greedy decisions.
What even is relationship anarchy?
Champion Identity
when his hookup cancels (advice requested)
Sadness over partners sexual history
I slept with someone I just met and now I’m very confused
Me irl
My husband is not funny like he thinks he is.