Vyvanse makes me full of love
AIO to a comment my friend made about my husband?
What's happening here?
Could Anxiety Be Undiagnosed ADHD? How do you know treatment is working if you’re misdiagnosed
I'll just sleep here thanks
What's your birds favourite toys??
Advice Needed
What’s your work schedule look life if you own a conure?
Wife insists on hair 'massage' for hours, anytime we lay down
Husband threatened me.
Heychic good or bad
Does a daughter soften a man?
Son calling baby sister cute
My bf decided to unload how he feels about my weight gain while drunk at a bar with his coworkers
Update:AITAH for divorcing husband because he wants his son in his life
Is it really normal to charge rent to your kid in the UK
AITAH for breaking up with my boyfriend because of sex?
AITA for giving my twins names my husband and I wanted them to have instead of family names like is tradition?
AITA for Telling My Sister That I Won’t Change My Wedding?
Update 2- AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility?
AITA for refusing to host any more family get-togethers at our house because I HATE hosting my in-laws and their poor manners?
AITA for yelling at my wife for firing our babysitter and making her cry because she called an ambulance?
Still mad at my husband
AITA for expecting my gf to support me while I’m unemployed?