I realized I don’t suck at disc golf- my card mates are just ass holes
[17 F] tell me how I can look more beautiful
All the things Buzzz saws MVP OOP and PP Tempos
Is Gateway trying to manufacture the worst possible looking disc?
Discs I'd like in proton
Delusional NW Golfer plays race card
What Chico restaurants are like this?
Who smokes like this?
ISO eclipse Uplink
Anyone know if Chronic Tacos downtown is permanently closed?
If You Were Giving a 6-Month Beginner 10 Copies of a Single Mold to Learn Proper Drives With, What Disc/Plastic Would You Choose?
What’s the best weed shop for a first timer with LOTS of questions?
Found one in the wild
Why is my forehand so wobbly
Lifting & Playing
Did TJ’s on Broadway (aka Up In Smoke) close?
Form advice please. Maxing 390ft.
When do the 2025 PDGA membership discs ship out?
Help me get a grip. ☔️
Sick of Ari Shaffir
Am I cheap or is 16 bucks for these nachos a rip off?
What was your worst disc golf round ever?
What’s your practice putting routine? (Distances & total putts)
Crazy Drivers in your neighborhoods
What disc do you throw the farthest? Mold, weight & distance.