It will never change 🤘
qual nome voces acham qu eu devo da pro meu cachorro
Qual o limite entre o meme e a homofobia?
Chester's prank
Wallpaper que fiz pro Doutor um tempo atrás
Qual o veredito dos foristas acerca deste Atleta?
Found this HUGE horse around Hateno beach and decided to tame it
Esse jogo não vai acabar não?
What is the best tip you learned from this sub?
Tem que ter respeito
describe my taste in three words
What would this band be called?
Slept in my Death shirt and woke up Torn to Pieces
Just listened to symbolic as my last Death album and wasn't a fan. Am i stupid?
Easiest way to learn Trivium songs on guitar? Help please!
Someone help me please 😭🙏
Me mandem memes pra eu postar na minha página aikkkkkkk
Rename your favourite tøp song as a yt clickbait title.
Rename your favourite tøp song as a yt clickbait title. Have fun with it😉
Now who is the worst Zelda character? Most upvoted comment wins!
Qual é sua memória mais antiga?
What's the pettiest reason you won't listen to a band?
what can you tell about me with my taste?
What your guys favorite death scream
Bands that have changed their sound drastically but still make good music?
Fiz pãezinhos de canela, aprovados?