I walked in on a ghost in the shower
Caretaker goes boom
Rock and Stone!
I added decal to a tank (The crews saw it and weren't happy)
Will the dart Monkey evo be nerfed before I get it?
Ghost was completely invisible in summoning circle, isn’t Shades supposed to be a shadow?
are these meant to be ghost orbs?
My favorite Rein moment of all time!
Tell me one voiceline pack that's more toxic (like actually, I need it)
Air Salt event
Borderlands 2 with Reshade
It's exactly the same with cars.
Look at the little guys I painted
100 Days of Clash Royale
That's not the way to react on criticism...
1984 (mods will remove all criticism)
6v6 future comp
Life would be worth living!
Unfunny Minecraft short starter pack
Is this the most erotic skill icon in BL franchise?
Please find some other way to deal with criticism.
Got my first obake handprint!
Hands up! This is a meme robbery! Give Me your WT meme now!
"Only peasants play tech tree tanks" ~WG marketing probably