Any way to discard items in your inventory while you're in a mission?
What character do you genuinely think deserves a buff?
Have you ever read a Webtoon so good that it kinda makes everything else pale in comparison
[Arcane Sniper] What the hell are these insane debuffs? How is anyone supposed to win in this game? Not being able to move for 3 mins is a death sentence
Can’t leave the initial Act 3 camp
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
(hated tropes) Characters who considered ugly or unwanted in-universe but like… how?!
Who do you think is currently the weakest hero?
My Hela Cosplay Attempt
what is this game bruh
What are you guys thoughts on the dime store Captain America?
What rank do you consider as high elo/above average?
What character would’ve been called “they should’ve been in standard banner!!!” if they were released today?
I was scrolling on my Disney+ app and noticed they added this collection to the Marvel tab, super cool (it's not even translated yet in my language)
Thoughts on the Marvel Rivals suits? (Personally I like them but Mr. Knight with a cape is weird for me)
Yes, I’m a Dollar Tree Captain America defender
Guys how will Dr. Strange fight against Dormammu? One breath from him and Strange just dies.
How tf can sam without serum fight red hulk? One punch and bro turns liquid... even black panther needed that herb to fight.
If you play him go fucking kill yourself
What are everyone’s thoughts Nickmerc’s comment?
Whos idea was it to queue us against 6 lords bruh
Finally Hit Celestial!
Why does One Above All have more players than Eternity?
Why dose everyone call "7 Deadly Sins" a bad anime
What’s one film that you think is hated but one that you like. I’ll go first