Can we buy a house anticipating income increase after gradschool?
Should we anticipate income increase when buying a house?
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El caparazón de mi tortuga se ve así, alguien sabe si debería preocuparme?
Family members who have owned one of the boys' "signature" gear pieces/instruments- what are your thoughts on them?
Why was Apex’s popularity greater than Titanfall’s at launch despite Apex’s having no hype marketing?
Found a 4070S on Amazon for $48.94
Intel's latest flagship 128-core Xeon CPU costs $17,800 — Granite Rapids sets a new high pricing watermark
After Nine Years, I've seen a game in all 30 Ballparks. Here's my Tier List that I'm sure will offend nobody.
Can you observe at the Lexington airport?
To overcharge for a non existent problem
Midwest R2 University (UMD College Park PhD Program)
Every trade partnership over the last 5 years visualized
Best order at Bourbon n Toulouse
Game Day Thread - Sunday, July 21
So... how many violations is this?
r/MLB - 2024 Home Run Derby [Game Thread]
Game Thread: Marlins @ Reds - Sat, Jul 13 @ 04:10 PM EDT
Giveaway for the all stars - to enter say something nice about David bell. Genuine answers will win. Details in body text
What is this mechanism called?? this is a robot that can steer its 4 wheels independently. Video link in comment.
Game Thread: Tigers @ Reds - Fri, Jul 05 @ 07:10 PM EDT
A quick rant about concert reviews…
Game Thread: Reds @ Brewers - Fri, Jun 14 @ 08:10 PM EDT
Metallica/Fortnite Crossover Megathread
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