[Xb1] H: Quad Weapons in pics W: Offers
H: GSBQ W: offers
H: glowing scorchbeast mask W: best offer
[Xb1] H: Quad Weps in pics W: Offers
H: Plans W: Leader Offers
W:Trade H: Mods/Rare Apparel
[XB1] H: Glowing Turkey, Glowing Pig, Buffoon, Raven W:leader offers or mixture of mods in picture below looking for 4 star mainly
H:ghb,demon,fiend,brahmin masks w:offers
W:3x thru hikers H: leaders
[Xb1] H: 400 Coffee W: 30 leaders
H:20k caps W:Scanners Mod
H: Glowing Pig W: Plans (I don’t know what I don’t know, would need to take a look at them)
H: pics w: offers
H: rare fasnacht masks W: every junk
H: buffoon, fiend, glowing sbq, 100 grognak the barbarian 9 W: leaders
H: 41.9k Mr fuzzy tokens, glowing sbq, fiend, buffoon, desthclaw, 100 gtb9 mags W: leaders or I’ll add 325 leaders to all for a red dress
H: Glowing Robot Mask W: Nuka Rocket Plans
H: Glowing Pig Mask for W: Pounders?
[Xb1] H: 375 Coffee W: 30 leaders
H: An abundance of things W: New traders that need some stuff
W: bloodied fixer or handmade H: Caps
H: caps w: cheap plans started a new acc 4 days ago. Preferably for camp!