The fast forward effect is literally making me lose games.
Looking for a sixth word ending in y that fits the series.
Just wanted to share
Am i dooming my projects in the long run ?
Big Image vs Tiled Image, which do you go for?
Should I shrink an array and will it improve performance in the long run?
Can you get a parent from an ID?
Is Candy Apple worth pulling for
Odd interaction when typing certain things in chat
How do you go about grouping sections of your projects?
Can you add back in an audio track cut at the same spots?
Is it possible to record multiple copies of your video simultaneously?
If I have hexpropf as a player, can Rashmi and Ragavan target my library?
Do you get the small Token Tuesday bundles?
Weekly Q&A - Ask your questions here! - October 18, 2024
What is the hoodie quality like?
Are Makeship hoodies any good?
Does a flipped Jolly Balloon die?
Can Forsaken Miner repeatedly come back from Goblin Bombardment?
Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here!
Can I cast an instant mid-cascade?
How can you move a feat to it's proper section?
As DM, do you pull your punches when a PC goes into a situation knowing the threat?
I love both Partied Up and Split-Party scenarios, how about you?
How quickly would you allow an elf or a dragonborne to learn?