How big is a ‘cup’.
what i wore to work today :)
Need help gifting a friend some flowers!
"Bless you"s are stupid and I hate them
Spend $1,000,000 in 24 hours, with a catch
Open floor plans are horrible!
Magazine de Electronice SH de încredere?
Contact politie locala sector
When you don’t wash your hair daily? Do you even get it wet?
Cel mai profi serviciu de livrat mancare acasa
Schimbare de viață la 180°
Terrible day, so pulled out the ol' kit and got some stuff done! Lot of flats, getting close to assembly.
Google is trying to censor Biden's presidency
What is the easiest way to distinguish these countries from each other (other than like flag, domain, etc.)? When it comes to language I can usually tell Polish apart but the rest are shots in the dark.
What computer games do you remember playing
Cautare Job
Watching foreign movies in their native language ruins the experience.
Why do all people who hate modern architecture seem to repeat the words "soulless" and "ugly"?
Can you strain greek yoghurt to remove excess water?
Is there a way to solve this without guessing?
raisins are disgusting and do not belong in ANYTHING
Classical work hours starting at 8-9 AM is dumb and unfair for many people
What does the wealthiest person you know do for work and do they work on weekends?
Calatoria cu Metroul si Salariul Mediu
What's one invention that humanity could have done better without?