Help me name my argonion mage
On my second play through… can’t believe I missed this the first time around…
Why do people think the vikings will be good 2025 ?
Why does Bengal lead the division in the Stadium column? Does the chili smell or lack of deodorant?
Caught one in the wild, mf’s wife’s boyfriend should probably take this guys phone away for a while.
im galidoring it im galidoring it oh my god im boutta galidor
The NFL has changed the past decade
Schefter: Aaron Rodgers Wants to Join Vikings; QB Has 'Resisted' Steelers and Giants
Summon your entire video game fanbase by using only one quote.
Looks like Fields chose to leave despite a competitive offer
Do you guys think the leajed venom game is happening?
What is your wishlist for Elder Scrolls VI? (Posting this here because the main sub won't let me)
What's your opinion on backpacks?
Thoughts on this?
Name a guy from 2015 or earlier
Spoilers for sm2
What’s the most underrated questline in Skyrim?
What's your opinion on "essential" characters? Are they totally unacceptable due to restricting your gameplay, or is it ok to have some of them marked essential in order for the game to be finishable, no matter what you do?
If you roleplay, how do you/would you go about ‘doing everything’ in a singular play through? (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim)
A Bills-Vikings Super Bowl would be the most Hollywood football game ever. One team breaks their curse while the other goes 0-5.
Where does Trent Dilfer rank all time for QBs? Is he top 100?
Consistent nickname for a Pokemon?
How rich are the characters?
What do these 2 minifigures have in common?
Rank these 21st-century NFL QBs from best to “worst”