Ženy, buďte safe - nie len v BA
Trump will fix it.
First impressions of neckband pro (day 1 - 4hrs)
Demon Olivier boss 0 damage
So the great wait of my download begins... I have crappy WiFi
Ficov status
Viture XR glasses users
Is it normal that it doesn't charge?
Everyday usage of Viture pro XR as a glasses user
Codex Coming Soon?
Took me 110 pulls but FINALLY got her!!!
Michal Šimečka potvrdil, že je v Kyjive
What would you say to this beta
Slovensko je simulácia
Experience with Amazon when buying the glasses
Tier List
Chuni Loli and Demon Booba both acquired in under 18k
PVP team help
How the hell is this fair 😅
Zazili ste niekedy Catfish na dating apps?
Ako zabaviť dvojročné dieťa?
o 50% drahšie menučká / obedy ako pred pandémiou
Nechcem predať byt bratovi, AITA?